Sunday, March 21, 2010

Call it new

I have just bought the coolest sunglasses. Twitch hates them, but they are so awesome. She has no taste, but apparently they are growing on her (lies).
So for music today, I am at an impasse.
I have several a song to share, but my favorite song is not new or fresh, so I run the risk of not being original. I think I'll take the risk.
The Lottery- Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton.
This song is what every vulnerable and confused teenager needs to help remind them that "why yes, everything is so difficult and the world is coming to an end." Sometimes we just need to feel bad for ourselves.
There are only live videos on youtube, but if you fall in love with the ditty (it's hard not to) the tune can be found le studio elsewhere.

And for our harder hitting rocker song we have: The Kills!
Ah, I love the taste of heroin rock in the morning.
Till the next one,

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