Wednesday, May 26, 2010

*Spoiler Alert*

They eat it. Hard.

Oh blog, how time has passed. I have long felt a dagger rising to my neck and now I feel her edge, and how she feels my pulse. With flesh, so cold, she enters an artery and causes my breath to hold. A hard ground finds me still as I watch my life drip from me and onto the cement. Every inch of me, doused in red, grows tired and cold. The still air is released from my lungs, and I finish.

In other words, School is stressful and I just finished my Shakespeare unit.

When will people realize that denying love never works yo! OMGz that's like the entire message behind JBiebz's new single damnit!!!

Andso, in dedication to Romeo and Juliet, here is some music.

Something Old

Something New

Something Borrowed

Something Blue

Our condolences to the Caps and the Montys

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Two more songs for a listenin'
here- Very pretty and chill but still omnipresent.
here - This song has 46 hits on youtube and they are called "Cuckoo Chaos." It's too much, I feel like I just adopted some adorable and defenseless orphan!

I Shiver

I was beginning to lose faith, but it has been restored. I was beginning to think i had found every artist i would ever like, but I was wrong! The Shivers!
Listen to a more extensive list here. Even though their blog seems classless next to ours.
Everything about them has given me new faith. It seems blue grassy, like an evening in the summer, after the sun falls away. It isn't yet dark, but there is no visible source of light or warmth. A chill creeps up and it reminds one to go indoors to drink and laugh with friends. The day is tired and she calls for rest, until tomorrow.

Listen and love: Beauty, Just didn't need to know, and quite frankly, everything else.

the fact that they go unsigned and Miss Cyrus fills arenas not only makes my head weary, but worried as well.

But alas, the world.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food for Thought

So today we have an artist of the day. This singer/writer/producer/etc. doesn't exactly fit the cookie cutter indie artist. But you know, music and video can come together to make a message and this message is a powerful own. Here you go, the controversial "Born Free"

Don't just take this as virtuitous violence, understand M.I.A, understand the song, and discuss maturely.
Bon Apetit.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why the picture?

just...just cuz.'s.. too..cute.

The cherry blossoms are raining! As long as we go somewhere better, they can go. A beautiful sacrifice deserves a beautiful summer, no?

Well, Today has been alright. Nothing much happened and I awoke at a reasonable hour, i suppose. So it hasn't been anything terrible. I did, however, find a couple keep-able songs. All of which, I am learning how to ukulele (hehehe).

These guys are mostly just one hitters for me, so I don't have too much to say about the bands. But everyone enjoys the occasional firecracker song ( all you can hear in your head, then gone without a second glance)

Here (I like this one the mostest)
Here (a little poppy, but we will survive)
Here (this video tears me. As a uke, i love it. As a Peta, it's a nightmare. FUR IS MURDER, YO!)
here (oh look, my indie rock is back!)
Merry Monday...erhh.

Friday, April 16, 2010


It has been an age since I last posted tunes get it, tuneage. hahaha. go me, i always deliver.

So since we last spoke I have gone through many a phase. Since I saw The Runaways, i have been under the control of Joan Jett and that slowly turned into (another) 80's phase. 80's tuneage is like my safespot. It's where I go when I don't know where to turn. I feel safe when I just can't tell if the person singing me pop/rock hybids is a man or a woman. Go Androgyny! Billy Idol, David Bowie, The Smiths, Duran Duran, Til' Tuesday (bigest d-bag in music video ever. I want to stangle him with my nylone uke cord. flphlah), they have all taken me in and loved me. And I love them in return. That has since led back into ukulele music (of course).

Today also marks a sad, sad day for all snarky, unathletic, survivor fans (You're talking to the poster-child) for Courtney Yates (above) Has been Voted off the island, and has become the 2nd member of the jury. I am the child, who in gym class mocks all of the sporty kids for their athletic ability while I am last chosen and do not participate. Yay bad attitude! You have no idea how many kids I have made cry. I don't even. I stopped counting. I'm looking at you, Fugly. (commence out of date social reference) I often sit out and read. For this, I love Courtney. I'm in mourning, really. A moment of hilarity from miss yates
Bad attitudes need to stick together.

But rejoice! For I have more music. A teensy bit of a lie since I haven't found much new (I'm Trying, I'm Trying) but whatever, I don't have to impress you (I try super hard though, so don't hate.)

(even if you hate i still love you.)
(I lie)
Best colab ever

Learnt on the uke! wahoo!

So yeah, Uke and 80's. It's the shit really.