Monday, March 15, 2010

Sup, Blogoverse?

Heeei beeeb!
Welcome to our blog. I say our blog because this is for two people (like a she & him blog)... (but less adorable). One of us is a little more indie rock, the others a little more indie folk, but its pure jams. The straight out gospel of our iTunes accounts in digital (so we can share our most legendary band finds)
So I'll start:

Band of the week: For my bands, I recommend 'Surfer Blood' and 'Jupiter One'

Surfer blood has been getting an epic amount of press lates (much and etc.) , and they deserve the bitch! A little reminicent of Arcade Fire, a little Killers, check 'em out if your pumping up your iPizzle for some summa jams!

Jupiter One started out as a one trick pony for me, but with some diversification, I'm finding that I love their sound. hot track: Find me a place.

And Right now, I'm listening to 'Suicide' by Ravonettes. A little poppy, but catchy.


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