Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Home Body

Hello! How are you?
Well that's fantastic/too bad.
How am I you ask?

I have taken up the Ukulele. She is orange and her name is Beatrice, after Besus Arthur. My fingers have lost all feeling and I never seem to leave the house anymore. Boo and Boo. But it's ok, I play the ukulele.

I have some more mega musicians to share. Please, contain yourselves. I know, we're awesome.

1) Cibelle! (Above) A pioneer Tropical Folk Rock (yes I made that up), her sound is lush and warm. Anyone who has been to the tropics knows how the warm humidity gets in your clothes and hair and her music has the same effect. If you're in the mood to just feel warm and calm, hit Cibelle up (as long as you don't mind the occasional song in Portuguese). Lady can also do a fantastic Tom Waits cover, which demands mad props.

2) Lykki Li! Pretty well know by now, I'd just feel wrong if she was excluded because of her contribution to the New Moon soundtrack (evil). Oh well, often sad and dangerously catchy, Li has a unique style that I will attempt to portray for you: A young poet, wearing all black and accompanied by a strangely detached individual on the bongos, sings a poem through her tears on the stage of a small cafe, filled with cigarette smoke and artists drinking coffee. So yeah, go with that or just listen here. and here

3) Beirut! So epic! I don't know what else to say. They have a driven and familiar sound that seems to transcend and create styles of music. It's sleeker than folk, softer than rock, with a talented vocalist who's lyrics strike an emotional chord with the nostalgic soul. I have learned the first half of "Postcards From Italy" on the ukulele, and that song is tied for favorite along with "Elephant Gun". Just, just awesome.


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