Wednesday, May 26, 2010

*Spoiler Alert*

They eat it. Hard.

Oh blog, how time has passed. I have long felt a dagger rising to my neck and now I feel her edge, and how she feels my pulse. With flesh, so cold, she enters an artery and causes my breath to hold. A hard ground finds me still as I watch my life drip from me and onto the cement. Every inch of me, doused in red, grows tired and cold. The still air is released from my lungs, and I finish.

In other words, School is stressful and I just finished my Shakespeare unit.

When will people realize that denying love never works yo! OMGz that's like the entire message behind JBiebz's new single damnit!!!

Andso, in dedication to Romeo and Juliet, here is some music.

Something Old

Something New

Something Borrowed

Something Blue

Our condolences to the Caps and the Montys

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