Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Thank You for Being a Friend"

Yes, the title is because of Golden Girls. What!? There was a marathon today!

OK, that was a lie. It's Tivo'd twice a day on TVtropolis.

I don't judge you!!

Anyway! On to the music!!

Drumroll please...Bat for Lashes!
(for those who know her, and a refresher for the lovers)

Known for quite a while, (and recognizably popular) she has the image of Lily Allen's twisted sister, no? They look near identical and are both British, but there are many important differences between them. Most importantly, Bat for Lashes is an awesome musician and Lily Allen quit music and is therefor lame. (Bitch)
Anywhoozle, Bat for Lashes hit song "Daniel" is richer than dark chocolate and café noir. (Yum)
Here you go! (to copy and paste, for Twitch has yet to share with me the knowledge of video posting)

Also, a little treat. Dan Mangan (as seen above)! He is an incredible artist from Vancouver! (Holla) Super folky with some pop weaved in there, he played folk fest last summer and his single "Robots" was featured is Rain Magazine's compilation CD in their 3rd issue. Yours truly, was in the same magazine, issue 4. I totally had my own page (shameless self promotion masqueraded as the "Six Degrees Game")
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRcXULN6mp4 Robots

http://www.rainzine.org/ (read the magazine. It's awesome)

In the words of my beloved David Bowie, "I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring."

It kind of applies, but I'm just jammin' to The Bowflex (I call him that out of affection)


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