Friday, April 16, 2010


It has been an age since I last posted tunes get it, tuneage. hahaha. go me, i always deliver.

So since we last spoke I have gone through many a phase. Since I saw The Runaways, i have been under the control of Joan Jett and that slowly turned into (another) 80's phase. 80's tuneage is like my safespot. It's where I go when I don't know where to turn. I feel safe when I just can't tell if the person singing me pop/rock hybids is a man or a woman. Go Androgyny! Billy Idol, David Bowie, The Smiths, Duran Duran, Til' Tuesday (bigest d-bag in music video ever. I want to stangle him with my nylone uke cord. flphlah), they have all taken me in and loved me. And I love them in return. That has since led back into ukulele music (of course).

Today also marks a sad, sad day for all snarky, unathletic, survivor fans (You're talking to the poster-child) for Courtney Yates (above) Has been Voted off the island, and has become the 2nd member of the jury. I am the child, who in gym class mocks all of the sporty kids for their athletic ability while I am last chosen and do not participate. Yay bad attitude! You have no idea how many kids I have made cry. I don't even. I stopped counting. I'm looking at you, Fugly. (commence out of date social reference) I often sit out and read. For this, I love Courtney. I'm in mourning, really. A moment of hilarity from miss yates
Bad attitudes need to stick together.

But rejoice! For I have more music. A teensy bit of a lie since I haven't found much new (I'm Trying, I'm Trying) but whatever, I don't have to impress you (I try super hard though, so don't hate.)

(even if you hate i still love you.)
(I lie)
Best colab ever

Learnt on the uke! wahoo!

So yeah, Uke and 80's. It's the shit really.

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