Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why the picture?

just...just cuz.'s.. too..cute.

The cherry blossoms are raining! As long as we go somewhere better, they can go. A beautiful sacrifice deserves a beautiful summer, no?

Well, Today has been alright. Nothing much happened and I awoke at a reasonable hour, i suppose. So it hasn't been anything terrible. I did, however, find a couple keep-able songs. All of which, I am learning how to ukulele (hehehe).

These guys are mostly just one hitters for me, so I don't have too much to say about the bands. But everyone enjoys the occasional firecracker song ( all you can hear in your head, then gone without a second glance)

Here (I like this one the mostest)
Here (a little poppy, but we will survive)
Here (this video tears me. As a uke, i love it. As a Peta, it's a nightmare. FUR IS MURDER, YO!)
here (oh look, my indie rock is back!)
Merry Monday...erhh.

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